Be honest. Is there anything appealing about regularly lifting 40-50 lbs. bags of salt to replenish a water conditioning system? No, and we believe your employees who do that heavy lifting would tend to agree because 1 in 5 workplace injuries are back related. In fact $48.15 billion was the total cost of the top 10 most disabling workplace injuries in 2023 alone and almost 63% of that was related to overextension injuries such as lifting, carrying, reaching, bending, and falls.

Here are three benefits of automatic salt brine systems for better employee risk management.

  • Employee Retention
    • AUTOBrine® salt brine systems automatically apply fully saturated brine to water conditioning processes so facility employees no longer need to do the back-breaking job themselves. The risk for possible serious injury to them is completely eliminated from their job responsibilities, immediately improving not only their individual health but also their job satisfaction. According to com, “Research published in the Journal of Occupational Psychology found that…workers who perceive that their organization cares about their well-being are more motivated, energetic, and enthusiastic about their jobs.” Installing salt brine systems is one way your employees will want to stay with you longer because you’ve demonstrated that if there is a solution that further protects their health, it is worth investing in. Additionally, maintaining employees who are faithful to your company will save you not only the hassle of a high turnover rate – along with the not-so-attractive reputation it carries – but will also be a financial benefit. According to a study by Employee Benefit News, “the average employee exit costs 33% of their annual salary.” This is a significant expense that can easily limit business operations in one area because certain funds are needed to hire someone new. Maintain a facility your team wants to come back to with salt brine systems that take the salt off their backs for good.
  • Labor Flexibility
    • Manually feeding your facility’s water conditioning system potentially stole your employees’ time and energy from other projects that either didn’t get done well or not at all. With AUTOBrine’s various salt brine systems that act to fulfill the job once completed by your employees, they can focus their attention on other tasks. Whether it be repairing an issue long overdue, placing new orders for the facility, or maintaining specialty equipment that requires more hands to complete, your team now has the flexibility in their day to do more without being worn thin because of the salt brine systems at work.
  • Increased Productivity
    • “If employers [in the US] eliminated preventable work-related injuries, they could gain back 103,000,000 days of production [in 2021 alone] – the equivalent of (retaining) 394,636 full-time workers.” These are compelling numbers that could become a reality with salt brine systems and not just a statistic. Think about what this would mean for your company and where it would be today as a result. Faster product output? Greater efficiency? Higher customer satisfaction? Expansion opportunities to meet increased demand? The possibilities are endless when you can mitigate employee risk with salt brine systems. Study after study has proven that the connection between a healthy work environment and a successful business is real and is dependent on how your employees feel about what they do. “Harold Schultz, the founder and former CEO of Starbucks, once put it this way: ‘The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel. And if your employees don’t feel valued, neither will your customers.’”

Employee risk management is on the minds of great leaders everywhere because they realize the significant impact it has. Support your business’s success without pausing to replenish a water conditioning process. With AUTOBrine’s salt brine systems, that repetitive task is eliminated and so is every injury potential normally associated with it. Show your employees you care about their well-being and value their commitment to the job. Say goodbye to costly lost time incidents and Workers’ Compensation claims. Your employees will be grateful AUTOBrine® has found a home at your facility and so will you.

Check out our options of salt brine systems HERE or give us a call and let us help you find the best solution for you at 717-390-8580.

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